In summer we had our annual audit of 4 Site Security Systems by the SSAIB – The Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board - the leading certification body for organisations providing security systems and services, fire detection management and monitoring systems.
We were examined on our installation, maintenance and monitoring across our systems, including access control, CCTV and intruder alarms, and were proud to get a great report with some fantastic comments from the inspector.
“After checking that we have all our procedures, documentation and insurance in place to meet standards, the inspectors went to check on a couple of our recent installations which passed with flying colours,” said James Ashby, our Systems Director. “Thanks to everyone concerned at 4 Site Security Systems for making sure that our work and our standards are consistently high, and a special thank you must go to Systems Business Manager Sharon Atkinson (previously Goodwin - congratulations on your recent marriage) and Systems Operations Manager Chris Thompson for their brilliant work and support with the systems audit.
“This audit enforces our value of Trust. Our customers know that they can come to us for their security requirements and be safe in the knowledge that we always ensure that things are done properly.”
Some glowing comments from the auditor included: “The results of today’s audit carried out at 4 Site Security Systems Ltd were found to be particularly good. […] James and Sharon were able to demonstrate how the company develop an initial enquiry for a product or service from a customer through to final delivery of the service or product to ensure the customer receives complete satisfaction throughout the complete process. Chris Thompson and senior engineer Luke provided technical assistance with the site system audits and were able to demonstrate their technical knowledge throughout the inspection.”